
Relationship Coaching

I know what it is like to feel “stuck” in an intimate, high-stakes relationship.  To be floundering, not knowing how to have a successful relationship, shutting down and feeling depleted of energy to keep going, and wanting to “run for the hills” when it comes to conflict.  Do you have these questions swirling in your head?

  • What do I do now?
  • Should I stay or should I leave?
  • How did I get here? How did we get here? 

I’ve been there!  And I see you.  It’s okay.  This is a normal part of relationship growing pains.  Long-term partnerships hit this wall at some point…and sometimes multiples times!   It doesn’t always mean doom and gloom even though it may feel that way.  This is all feedback for you to take inventory on, to let you know if the relationship is still on course or if it got way off course.  We can’t stay on “auto-pilot” in our relationships if we are wanting the relationship to grow and move in a certain direction. 

The real question is:
Am I ready to do something different?

The real question is:


If you are ready to do something different, rather than stay stuck, then I’m here to help support you and challenge you to do just that!

My primary focus is to help you meet your relationship goals, get results, AND learn to become a relational leader in your own life. This will help you transform how you do all relationships by understanding your needs, speaking up for yourself, setting healthy boundaries, and learning to be more present with yourself and others in a loving way.

As a relationship coach, I have been trained and certified using the “Present Centered Relationship Coaching” method, taught by the founder, Jayson Gaddis from The Relationship School. I help individuals integrate and be truer to themselves in the context of intimate relationships.

My coaching is client-centered, meaning the client makes the decisions, discovers what issues to work on, sets the pace that works for them, sets a goal, and practices to integrate in their life. As the coach, I help facilitate in the areas where you may feel stuck, help you find clarity and insight, give support around feelings that come up, demonstrate tools for empowerment, develop a plan with you, challenge you with your goal(s) to push your edge and stay accountable, and help you build the solid foundation to stand in your truth and be a relational leader in your life.

Coaching sessions can be virtual Zoom calls or in-person at my Healing Arts Studio (opening soon in summer of 2023).

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki (“ray-key”) is a Japanese energy healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. This is often done with light touch from the practitioner’s hands, creating a warm, soothing energy flow to the client, fostering relaxation and releasing tension. I am formally trained as a Third Degree Reiki Practitioner of the Usui Shiki System of Healing.

Each session is unique for everyone depending on what the body needs. Reiki energy is universal and guides itself to each person to areas it is needed. Reiki creates a deep state of relaxation, can help break down toxins in the body, that restricts ki or energy to flow; helps unblock chakras, or energy centers, in the body to promote energy flow; reduces anxiety, inflammation, body aches; promotes healing, and so much more. Reiki is also used at many hospitals to reduce pain, increase healing and recovery for patients
Reiki healing sessions are in person at my healing studio, as well as long-distance, virtual sessions.

Healing Art Space

Creating is a flow of energy. When there’s lack of energy flow, life can feel stagnant. This can be experienced in many different ways for individuals. Some experience a “funk,” agitation, lost, ungrounded, depressed, or anxious. 

Using a medium to create art as a tool helps move this energy and facilitate the flow of energy. When that flow of energy is moving, this can help you move more things in your life, like a ripple effect. This can bring back some “zest” in your life!

Creating art was where I first started my journey in life at a young age. I have a degree in art education, taught preschool-12th grade art in public schools and adult ceramics & pottery lessons, and individual art lessons. Through my own personal healing journey along with teaching others, I found that art can be part of the way to healing. This can be on paper, drawing painting, photography, in clay, sculptural, collage work, in writing, journaling, song, music, and so many other approaches.

Healing Art Space is a safe space to explore and create a unique art journey for you. I start with coaching you for 20 mins., to see you where you are at in your life’s journey, to understand areas you feel stuck, and help you formulate what it is you want to express or unlock your truth. We then agree on the right medium to help you to express this truth of who you are. The end process helps you to let that stagnant energy flow, help you to express yourself and stand in your truth. Lessons can be individually scheduled or as a package to build growth in technique, personal style, and expression. 

Art as a Journey - Coming Soon

The Healing Arts Space will be opening soon in June 2023. 

Art as a Journey is an in-person experience that will be done at the Healing Arts Studio.  Each package includes coaching to find what is truth you need to unlock and express, which medium best suits your process to facilitate on your healing journey.