Welcome to Internal Truth Healing

Your path to finding your truth and healing

Why Internal Truth Healing?

Because you have the power to pull yourself up, heal yourself, and discover a better you. Whatever your struggles are, from relationship challenges, anxiety, stress, or feeling stuck in the same pattern, learning what empowers you and understanding a different approach is a first step to creating a new foundation for your life.

At Internal Truth Healing, my goal is to shine the light on that path to help you build that solid foundation and find your solution. You will receive the support and challenge necessary for you to get back on track, effectively cope with stress, anxiety, or navigate relationship struggles and establish the life balance that allows you to use your gifts and thrive.  Tapping into over 20 years of personal experience, education, and training, I offer Relationship Coaching, Reiki Energy Healing, and (coming soon) Healing Art Sessions to guide you towards becoming a better you, living in your truth!

Relationship Coaching

Client-focused and Present Centered Relationship Coaching helps you be true to yourself, meet your goals, get results, and become a relational leader in your own life.

Reiki Energy Healing

This type of healing uses soothing energy through the use of the hands placed on energy points on the body to promote deep relaxation and healing.

Healing Art Space

Creating is a form of movement with energy and can release blocks. This can be done through art to help you on your healing journey that we explore together.

Relationship Coaching

Client-centered life and relationship coaching that helps you be true to yourself, meet your goals, get results, and become a relational leader in your own life.

Reiki Energy Healing

This energy healing technique dates back more than 2,000 years using the hands to help achieve energy balance, relaxation, and stress reduction.

Healing Art Space

I use pottery, drawing, and painting to guide you in the art of self-expression through which you can explore and create your unique art journey.

Internal Truth Healing Can Help With:

  • If you struggle to speak up in relationships, including partners, family, friends, colleagues, etc.
  • If you feel stuck in the caregiving role or over-function in the relationship
  • If you lost sight of who you are and your needs
  • If you have anxiety or stress in relationships and avoid conflict
  • If you hesitate or struggle with expressing your needs, opinions, or feelings
  • If you know you’re a “people-pleaser” and don’t know how to stop
  • If you want additional support to assist with healing, empowerment, and doing relationships differently
  • If you are ready to do something different to enhance your life, live in your truth, and show up in a healthier, positive updated version of you in your relationships

Serving Northeast Ohio

Schedule Your Free 30 min. “Discovery Call” today!”

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